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  • small tattoos keep covered for 3-4 hours​​

  • medium to large 10-24 hours

  • gently use your fingertips and unscented soap to wash the tattoo each time

  • run the tattoo under the hottest water you can endure. This cauterizes the tattoo and is helpful for a quick healing process. This step is not necessary after the first wash

  • Pat dry with a clean towel and apply a thin layer of aquaphor or one of your preferred tattoo aftercare products

  • do not pick or scratch. if itching occurs give it a quick slap. let the flakes of skin fall off naturally. pulling them off can pull the ink out leaving the tattoo patchy and create scar tissue

  • after 7-10 days you can switch to a fragrance free lotion keeping your new tattoo hydrated

  • If you have pets that shed take extra precautions to avoid getting hairs in the tattoo. not doing so can result in an infection 

  • avoid direct sun exposure, swimming, hot tubs or baths for 10-14 days. showering is fine. be sure not to let the water directly beat down on it for a long period of time​

  • if you have questions or concerns please contact me directly. 

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